Class Feedback Class Feedback Name First Last Email PhoneSelect the class you attended:A Course in BonsaiAll About CakesAll Occasion Handmade CardsAmerican Mah Jongg: The BasicsBasics of DrawingBasics of SailingBeautiful the Natural WayBee-ginning BeekeepingBeginning Line Dancing - LeadBeginning Line Dancing - Rapid CityBeginning Line Dancing - SturgisBeginning Salsa on 1 (LA Style)Beginning Weaving with Rigid Heddle LoomBelly Dance BasicsBio-identical HormonesBirds of PreyBlack Hills GeologyBoost Your CreativityBread BasicsBusiness Startup Legal BasicsChair, Core and MoreCommunity Self Defense WorkshopCulture and Language of JapanDance Technique Specialty ClassDiscover Tai Chi ChuanDo-It-Yourself Investing Like a Pro!Drawing MeditationDucks and Geese in SpringtimeDriver EducationDuo DancingEssential Oils: Making Natural Products for Gifts!Estate Planning: Wills and Trust BasicsFall Prevention and Balance GymGhost Towns of the Black Hills I: Early SettlementsGhost Towns of the Black Hills PrequelGhost Towns of the Black Hills, Part 2Guitar for BeginnersHand-Crafted Greeting CardsHapkido ExplorationHardanger Embroidery WorkshopHeavy Equipment TrainingHeirlooms: Creative Life-Writing for AdultsHow to Play ChessInstant Piano for Hopelessly Busy PeopleIntro to Aikido for All (Teen to 100 yrs old)!Intro to PickleballIntro to PoetryIntro to Property ManagementIntro to Watercolor: Freedom of ExpressionIntroduction to Amateur RadioIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI): Unveiling the FutureIntroduction to WeldingIntro to HAM RadioIrresistible Lamb Appetizers for your ValentineJapanese Cooking: Sushi, Ramen, and TempuraLakota Cultural History II: Live in Harmony Upon Mother/Grandmother EarthLakota Cultural History Part 1: Mother EarthLandscaping for the Black HillsMaking Social Security Benefits Work For You - Rapid CityMedicare BasicsNative Hand Drum WorkshopNorwegian Literature WorksPapermakingPlein Air WorkshopPositive Self-Discovery CourseProspecting for Gold in Them Thar Hills!Publishing 101: Exploring Traditional, Hybrid and Self-Publishing PathsReal Estate as a Career!Real Financial Planning: What's Important and What's Not!Rockhounding 101Rosemaling: Traditional Folk ArtSpinning Your Fibers on a Wheel!Stained Glass 101!Spinning Your Fibers on a WheelStained Glass 101!Taxes in Retirement: Managing One of Your Biggest ExpensesThe Art of SilversmithingThe Art of the SwordThe Basics of ProbateThe Joy of ConversationWatercolor LandscapesWhite Wines: They're Getting Better and BetterWine: Become an Expert Taster Part DeuxWine: France Comes to CaliforniaWood CarvingWrite Your Legacy LetterDid you enjoy the class? Yes No Was the instructor knowledgeable and prepared? Yes No How did you register for this class? Please check one. Website Mail Phone In person at the Career Learning Center Please select your age group:Youth (under 18)18 – 2930 – 3940 – 4950 – 5960 – 69proudly 70+Please add additional comments!Feel free to include suggestions for a new course or instructor with their contact info that you’d like to see in the next session. Thank you!CAPTCHA Δ